Sunday, February 28, 2010

Episode 6x05 Lighthouse

After some fans’ complaints of previous episodes being “filler”, last Tuesday’s episode, “Lighthouse” was anything but. After 5 seasons of questions and inch-by-inch answers, the mysteries surrounding the show and its characters are starting to slowly unravel (slowly being the key word here). Though the promos keep saying “the time for answers is here!” who’s to say that they can’t pose new questions?

A lot of ground was covered in Lighthouse. From character secrets and motivations to action and suspenseful locations and journeys, it was certainly a thought-provoking and entertaining bit of television.

Crazy Claire—what’s her deal?

Now that we’ve seen a bit more of her since learning of her declared “infection” it appears and though she might actually be infected (say it ain’t so!). If she’s not infected however, something else is clearly going on inside that innocence-ridden brain of hers. 3 years alone on an island will likely do that to ‘ya, though.

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According to Claire, the Others have tortured her as well and taken Aaron (though he’s clearly off-island…or is he?) which was later re-affirmed by her saying that that’s what her dad told her.

Talk about a jam-packed opening. Everyone’s been yearning for Claire’s reappearance, but were they expecting a whole slur of new questions to be stapled to her? Doubt it. Though, what is going on with her? Infection? Delusional bouts of craziness? Who knows? What we do know, however, is:

- Claire believes Aaron was taken by the Temple Others, which is interesting because she left him in the jungle (but maybe it wasn’t her choice as much as Christian’s)

- Speaking of Christian, Claire repeatedly mentions him and says that he was the one who told her about Aaron. Though, where is Christian? Is he actually (somehow and mysteriously) alive? It’s possible that the-entity-formerly-known-as-Locke could’ve taken on the form of him in order to manipulate Claire, but wouldn’t she be a bit suspicious?

- Claire is aware that she’s spent time on the island alone (which is good; the first step is admitting she has a problem)

With that said, I guess we don’t really know a whole lot about Crazy Jungle Claire after all.

Dude, what are you doing here?

In other Island news, Hurley sees Jacob who tells him to go to the Lighthouse and to take Jack with him (otherwise he’d get upset because he wasn’t invited, right?). When Hurley says the key words, “You have what it takes” to convince Jack, he, as well as the audience is reminded that those are the words of Christian Shepard. Seemingly enough to convince Jack, he actually…wait for it…acknowledges seeing dead-Christian many seasons? 4? 5? It's nice that the characters are starting to spill their beans and secrets as well as their reasons for coming to the island.

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On the way to the lighthouse, we encounter a previous location…the caves! It was pretty cool to see them for the first time since season one, as well as Adam & Eve, and Shannon’s elusive inhaler (she doesn’t have much use for it now, does she?). Another thing that I’m sure was appreciated by other fans were Hurley’s comments regarding time travel and the skeletons, saying that they could be one of them. I’ve heard that theory before and I’d bet that Hurley’s thoughts are correct: it is someone alive and well on the island. Though we don’t know who Adam & Eve are yet or where they came from, it was still nice to know that the writers are acknowledging their existence and that they haven’t forgotten about them quite yet.

Oh! A Lighthouse!

So, it turns out that the title of the episode has a literal meaning: there is actually a lighthouse on the island. Surprised? Why? There’s a ship and polar bears on the island, so why not a lighthouse?

Per Jacob’s instructions, Hurley and Jack mess with the pile of pulleys and levers to reveal rotating mirrors at the top, as well as the names of the Losties scribbled on the dial (corresponding with the numbers in MIB’s cavern). Looking into the mirror, Jack sees his childhood house, though he knows it must be impossible. Enraged at his lack of answers and not seeing Jacob, he smashes the mirrors (there’s the old Jack we know!), leaving Jacob’s orders left unfinished.

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With the discovery of the lighthouse mirrors and numbers, combined with Jacob’s orders and mysterious ways, I'm starting to get the impression that he's actually not the "good" guy. He's basically manipulated everyone and eliminated their free will to get them to the island for—what I assume to be—his own needs.

So much is still left unanswered about Jacob and his bizarre instructions and appearances, that is seems almost impossible to resolve all of them before the May series finale. Like the rest of the mysteries, we’ll be fed them bit-by-bit as they start to impact the lives of the characters and current plot situations.

Someone’s coming to the island

According to Jacob, the purpose of the lighthouse mission was to turn on/activate it so an un-named someone can find the island. That little bit of information leads to so many questions in itself. If Jacob wants this person to come to the island, why can’t he guide them there himself? Also, why does this person need help finding the island? If it's someone worthy to be on the island, finding it should be no problem.

This also brings up the issue of alternate plans for guiding the person to the island, being that Jack smashed the mirrors to pieces. Through Jacob’s calm response and demeanor, it almost seems like Jacob wanted Jack to look into and break the mirrors.

This is my friend…

Lastly, it’s revealed that Claire’s “friend” that she talked about is actually Flocke and she’s been talking to him for some time now. How does this all fit into the Lost equation? I have no idea. If Claire is, in fact, infected, than Flocke was probably the thing that caused it.

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All in all, a great episode and a lot of interesting points and plot pieces to be pondered to hold everyone over until Tuesday.

The next episode of Lost, “Sundown” aires Tuesday, March 2nd.


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