Friday, March 26, 2010

Episode 6x09 – Ab Aeterno

Finally, the episode that everyone has been waiting for has aired: Richard’s episode. It certainly had a lot to live up to, so…did it? It was certainly an intriguing episode and revisited numerous of the Island characters and mysteries told in linear flashback format, which made for a nice break from the flash-sideways device of this season.

On Island, 2007

In 2007, the newly reunited group of Jack, Ben & Co. sits around the fire while Ilana explains the candidacy of several of the 815 survivors to replace Jacob. They have no idea what to do now, but apparently, even though he says he doesn’t, Richard knows what to do and where to go.
Still distraught from attempting to kill himself with Jack on the Black Rock, he states that it’s time to stop listening to Jacob, leaves the group on the beach, and goes off into the jungle.
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Tenerife, Canary Islands –1867

Starting off, Richard is seen attempting to save his ailing wife, Isabelle, by going into town to the doctor. He accidentally kills the doctor, and a servant sees the whole ordeal, eventually leading to Richard’s prison sentence.

Facing death, an officer comes into Richard’s cell and asks him if he speaks English. After some detesting, he gives in, and his life is spared. The officer proclaims that he is now property of Magnus Hanso and will be transported on the Black Rock.

Aboard the ship, a storm is brewing outside causing the ocean waves to grow higher and higher. In the distance, one of the slaves below the ship exclaims that the Island is protected by the Devil, something obviously provoking the odd statement. Soon after, the Black Rock is riding above a massive wave, and crashes into a large statue, revealed to be the source of the slaves exclamations, as well as the now four-toed statue, the statue Taweret.

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On the Island, the Black Rock nestled in its familiar place in the jungle, Richard and a few other slaves remain alive. An officer comes down and kills them one by one, as if was only a matter of time before they would turn on him. Richard is left alone, the lone survivor of the Black Rock below deck. Suddenly, the smoke monster sounds are heard and as it comes through the floor grate of the ship, scans Richard, and quickly dissipates. (Hmm…)

Throughout the episode, Richard stumbles upon MIB and chats with him. He eventually tries to convince Richard to go kill Jacob and considers himself a “friend”. Similarly, Jacob thinks MIB is the evil one. Caught in the middle, Richard eventually takes sides with Jacob, assuming the position of his “representative,” watching over those that Jacob brings to the Island. In return, although he cannot grant his wish of bringing his wife back, Jacob grants his wish of immortality, being that he is afraid to die.

When returning to MIB, Richard admits that he didn’t kill Jacob, but the offer that he can always go with MIB still stands.

Later, Jacob joins MIB overlooking the Island and reveals that he knew that he sent Richard to kill him. MIB says that he just wanted to leave the Island, and begs for Jacob to let him go.

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According to Jacob, as long as he’s alive, MIB is not leaving the Island, showing that it is Jacob who is keeping him from leaving, keeping the “evil” from spreading out into the world. Because of this, MIB wants to kill Jacob; he just wants to leave the Island and, anyone who replaces Jacob, MIB says he will kill, just as he would Jacob.

Episode & Question Analysis

Overall, I thought Ab Aeterno was a great episode. They certainly had a lot of ground to cover with Richard’s back-story, so I’m thrilled that they realized that they couldn’t fit in present Island time, flashbacks, and flash-sideways and cut out the latter. Besides, it was a nice break from the rather monotonous ratio of 40: 20 alt-timeline-to-present minutes.

I’m glad that a couple mysteries that have been looming over the show for some time have been cleared up: the Black Rock, Richard’s story, how the statue was destroyed, etc. Though, I won’t lie, I thought that the ship, the wooden ship, destroying the statue was a bit of a stretch. In reality, that ship would’ve been smashed to pieces. Then again, this is Lost and I guess anything goes.

Regarding Richard’s story, maybe it was my own perception, but I thought that the episode would cover his entire life on the Island. Leading up to the present, rather than just when he arrives on the Island. That way, I thought that a lot more questions could’ve been answered and just been even more awesome.

Also, it was a nice surprise to finally get to see more expansion of the relationship between Jacob and MIB (especially in his original (?) form). With everything that each of the two has done over the years, I’m starting to form my opinion in stone that MIB isn’t as evil as Jacob sounds. I mean, who’s messed with the free will of everyone? Jacob. Who’s responsible for countless deaths of those brought to the Island? Jacob. Who’s caused false hope among Ben, Richard, Jack, and everyone else? Jacob. He may not be purely innocent, but MIB is definitely not purely evil either…well, unless we’re shown otherwise.

Another interesting bit of information that was made known was that Jacob is keeping MIB on the Island because, somehow, the Island is a “cork” keeping MIB (evil) from leaving. Now, what could MIB have done/been to make him so evil that he’s trapped on an Island and can transform into a mass of black smoke? Hmm…I think I smell a MIB-centric episode in the near future. Well, I hope that’s what I’m smelling.

So, who’s centric episodes are left to go through this season? Jin? Sun? Hurley…? If Darlton is staying true to the S1 format and centricities, then the next episode should be Claire-centric. Maybe it’s wishful thinking again, but I know I’m not the only one who would love to see a Claire episode covering what she’s been doing on the Island, and her interaction with Christian, and where she went when the O6 left the Island.

Next weeks episode is entitled, The Package. Unless it’s a super metaphorical title, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that someone is going to get a package of some kind.

Until next time…


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