Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Episode 6x10 The Package

Judging from last week's preview of "The Package," I really wasn't looking forward to it that much. Maybe it's because I'm just getting tired of the re-hashing of scenes from past seasons and calling it a preview for the next episode, or maybe it's because it was slated to be a Sun/Jin-centric episode. Now, I like Sun and Jin, I really do. Though this season, it's like they've been thrown aside. Aside from Sun's, "Have you seen my husband?" quote (which she better have mastered by now), both of them have pretty much been on-screen, be on screen. Anyway, I'm pleased to say that I really liked The Package and am glad that the craptastic preview didn't foreshadow an equally craptastic episode.

So starting off, we have Widmore's people using the sub. periscope observing the Losties. A very different start to an episode than usual, but the overall effect was pretty cool. Besides, who doesn't love that green, night vision color?

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In the flash-sideways, Sun and Jin are at LAX trying to get the confiscated $25,000 back from luck. Jin says that he already missed the "meeting" at the restaurant and needs to deliver the money and watch immediately.

Once out of the airport and at their hotel, Jin reveals to the clerk that they are not married (a question that rose in the season premiere) and that they have separate rooms. Ironically enough, they are together despite not being married and it seems as if they're covering their bases to make sure that Mr. Paik doesn't find out about their involvement. They talk about eloping using Sun's secret bank funds. Soon after, there's a knock on the door and it's revealed to be Keamy (before he made those "good eggs" and Sayid shot him). He says to Sun that he's expecting the watch and $25,000. Sun gives him the watch, but reveals that the money was taken at the airport. Needing a translator, Keamy summons Mikhail (with TWO eyes!) and says that they'll take Jin to the restaurant, while Mikhail accompanies Sun to the bank to withdraw from her secret account. The bank officer says that the account was closed. Sun is surprised being that she was the only one who knew about it. Upon asking who closed it, it is revealed to be the doings of Mr. Paik, Sun's father, in an effort to keep Jin and Sun apart.

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Back at the restaurant, Keamy locks Jin in the freezer in a continuation from "Sundown" and reveals that he was actually hired by Mr. Paik to kill Jin and the $25,000 that Jin was transporting was actually for Keamy for finishing him off. Talk about irony, huh?

When Keamy leaves, the continuation from "Sundown" continues when Sayid finds Jin in the freezer, hands him a razor and leaves him to free himself, neither harming nor helping him.

Later, Mikhail brings Sun to the restaurant and arrives to see Keamy and his men shot, with Jin pointing a gun at his head. They fight and Jin shoots him in the right eye (paralleling with the eye-eyes Mikhail on-Island) and Sun is shown bleeding from her abdomen, showing that one of Mikhail's bullets must have struck her. As Jin carries her off, she reveals that she's pregnant.

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At the beach--Flocke's group

On the beach, Flocke decides to make friends with Jin and tell him about the names on the cave ceiling, "Kwon" being one of them. Ironically, Jin already knows about it (take that Flocke!). Interestingly enough, Flocke has more insight to share: they can't leave the Island unless all the names that are not crossed off leave with him. So, why can't they leave unless everyone else comes? What's keeping that from happening? If this is part of "The Rules" that Ben and Widmore have discussed, well, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that some explanation would be fantastic.

Soon after Flocke's friend-making attempts, the Losties are attacked by Widmore's team and shot by tranquilizing darts. (How cool was that seeing all the Losties attacked at once?) Widmore's team and Tina Fey, uh...I mean, Zoe, come in and take Jin, seemingly knowing what they were looking for, and quickly leave the area.

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Flocke returns after the attack to find everyone unconscious and attempts to wake up Sayid, his infected buddy. All Sayid can tell him is that they were attacked, but Flocke has a mission for him...he wants him to go over the Hydra Island and take a gun (sounds like infected-Sayid's dream come true).

A confused and less-infected Claire approaches Flocke and asks him if her name was on the cave ceiling. He says it wasn't, but he still needs her and she can come on the plane too. Whether he really needs her or is just saying so to appease her and keep her from going crazy, I guess we'll find out soon enough. (Let me just say this though, Flocke wants to get off the Island pretty bad, right? Okay, where does he plan on going when and if he gets off? Let's see, it's been about...200+ years he's spent on the Island?) Also, Claire asks if Kate's name was on the ceiling (seemingly jealous) but Flocke says that it wasn't either (and if I recall correctly, it wasn't, but the way he said it made it sound like it was on cave ceiling) but he needs her as well.

Flocke and Sayid start to leave for Hydra Island in the outrigger when Sawyer makes a snappy comment about Flocke:

Sawyer: "What do you need a boat for? Can't you just turn into smoke and fly your ass over the water?"
Flocke: "Do you think if I could do that, I would still be on this Island?"

Best line of the night (followed by the one about Hurley and bacon grease). I'm pretty sure alot of fans were thinking the same thing, which made it awesome.

On the Hydra Island, Flocke arrives at the pylons surrounding the area and Widmore's people come out, followed by Widmore himself. Ironically, it seems MIB knows as much about Widmore as Widmore knows about to nothing. Flocke states that he recognizes him as Widmore, but not much else. Similarly, Widmore knows that MIB is "obviously not John Locke" and the rest of what he's heard about him was from myth, and other passing-down of stories.

Almost stating his purpose (aside from looking for Jin) Flocke states, "A wise man once said that war is coming to this island. I think it just got here," the wise man referring to Widmore. This is a great statement for two reasons: 1. The "war" that Widmore has been talking about has come up again (in conversation between the two possible "sides"), and 2. This further shows that MIB has access to Locke's memories. It is possible that the longer MIB stays "trapped" in Locke's body, the further he becomes "solidified" as Locke? It's an interesting thought, but I don't think the show will go that route.

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The Beach Camp--Ben, Jack, & Co.

Back at the beach camp, Ilana says that Jacob never lied to her and that they'll wait for Richard, as he'll know what to do. Sun goes off from the group and finds her old vegetable garden that she planted back in season one, all of it now overgrown. Jack tries to talk to her and explain that her name was in Jacob's Lighthouse as well, but (strangely similar to Jack's past on-Island self) she doesn't care out being a candidates, their purpose, or destiny. She asks to be left alone and Jack leaves.

While she's alone, Flocke appears to Sun and attempts to persuade her into coming with him by bribing her with a reunion with Jin. Though, she doesn't trust him, as he killed all those people at the Temple, and runs off into the jungle away from him.

Sun runs into a tree and is unconscious when Ben finds her. She wakes up startled and can only speak Korean. They go back to the beach where Jack looks over her and explains that she could have aphasia, the run-in with the tree affecting the language center of her brain. As this is occurring, Ilana smiles as a now-confident Richard and Hurley walk into camp. Richard tells them to back their bags because they're leaving and are going to stop MIB by destroying the Ajira plane. Sun isn't too fond of the idea and rants at Richard in Korean saying that the plane was their only way off the Island and that she hasn't found Jin yet...her only reason for coming back to the Island in the first place and that she is not going with Richard.

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Later on it is night and Jack finds Sun alone on the beach. He brings her pen and paper to see if she can still write English even if she cannot speak it and she can. She shares with Jack that she didn't go with Flocke because she didn't trust him and that she does trust Jack. If she goes with the group, Jack promises that he'll help her find Jin and get them both on the plane (but wait, aren't they going to destroy the plane?). Sun takes Jack's hand and agrees to go with him.

Widmore, his people, and his motives

Since being attacked by Widmore’s darts, Jin awakes in a locked room. He finds his way to a large switch, pulls it, and the room darkens as various clips and pictures are projected onto a screen. At this moment, it is revealed that Jin in on Hydra Island and in Room 23. He turns it off and Zoe walks into the room and talks about the Dharma Initiative and the experiments they were conducting. She shows him a map that Dharma used to identify the different pockets of electromagnetic energy on the Island and they seemingly bear his signature (from when he was on-Island in ’77). She looks to Jin to see if he can help her with them but Jin says that he’ll only talk to Wilmore. Ironically, Widmore wants to talk to Jin as well.

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Widmore comes in, asks Zoe to get the “package” from the submarine and take it to the infirmary, and talks with Jin. He gives Jin a camera that Widmore found in Sun's luggage from the Ajira plane. The camera has photos of Ji Yeon, whom he has never seen.

If MIB were to get off the Island, Widmore states, “everyone we know and love would simply cease to be.” Revealing his own purpose on the Island, Widmore says he has come to prevent that from happening. With that said, he says that it’s time for Jin to see the “package,” a “who”, not a “what”.

Question time: if Widmore was able to come to the Island now, what was preventing him from it before? The time-jumps from last season? Was he truly unable to find it, or was something else to blame for his inability? One would think he would’ve went to Ms. Hawking for assistance. Speaking of Ms. Hawking, it’d be nice to see her again…hint, hint, Damon and Carlton. Also, how would MIB leaving the Island cause everything to “cease to be?” I have a feeling he means that quite literally.

Near Widmore’s sub, Sayid comes out of the water and notices Zoe pulling someone out of the top of the hatch. They drop the body on the dock and the “package” is revealed to be Desmond. He looks at Sayid for a moment before he is carried away.

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Thinking back on it, I really liked this episode (and surprisingly, the flash-sideways). I thought it was refreshing to give Sun and Jin a bit more character development and reassure the audience that the writers aren't done with them yet. Alot of interesting questions were posed and plot devices set into play, as well as the revisiting of a couple older Island locations.

Great episode and I think next week’s will really benefit from what “The Package” has set up for.

Until next time…


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