Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dr. Chang Video: "The Incident"

Months ago (probably before season 5 started) a sneak peak at LOST season 5 was released at the 2008 Comic-Con. It shows Dr. Chang being videoed by someone--who you'll come to recognize shortly--while he talks about future events and how they must be stopped.

Watch the video before reading below.

I had watched this video when it was first released but now having seen (12? 13?) season 5 episodes and watching the video again, it really makes you wonder and gives a lot of insight as to what the remaining episodes as well as the season finale holds.

As you may have guessed, the speaker/videographer is Daniel Faraday. Now knowing what we know about season 5, we can probably infer that this video was taken/is going to be taped while the Lostaways are on the 1977 island in the season 5 finale entitled 'The Incident'. The 'Incident' has been referenced numerous times throughout the series so I think it's going to be a great end to the season.

Wait! I'm LOST! What does this mean?

Well, The Incident that I'm guessing that this is referenced to is the incident in the Swan Station that 'Dr. Marvin Candle' talks about in the Swan Orientation Film. Apparently, the incident had to do with the build up of electromagnetic energy that caused the 'incident' which resulted in the DI making the Swan protocol where the numbers have to be entered every 108 minutes.

This incident likely occurred before 1980 (the production date of the film) when the Lostaways returned to the 1977 island time.

Obviously, after 108 minutes, the build up was enough to cause a great catastrophe in the Swan station. However, it is unknown what caused this incident to occur or what damaged it caused to the Swan station or those in and around it. Hopefully when this is shown to the audience, we'll get to see the creation/purpose of the Blast Door Map that is shown during the Lockdown in the Swan station.

With this video combined with the knowledge of season's mysteries and occurances, we can infer that this video is, in fact, referencing the 'incident' in the Swan station that we have yet to see and will likely be shown in the season 5 finale.

Just some food for though to hold us over until the new episode next week.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some Like It Hoth

So, apparently Miles can talk to dead people.

Though I mainly thought that nothing too too big was revealed in this episode, it did give some much needed insight to Miles' past and family. I for one thought (episodes ago) that Miles could be the child of Dr. Chang/Candle and it was confirmed. Being that I previously pondered that thought, the reveal wasn't too exciting for me. However, I did enjoy learning why Miles asked 3.2 million dollars from Ben.

Now that baby Miles was in the same time as adult Miles, wouldn't that kind of be against the rules of something? If Miles went into Dr. Chang/Candle's house, could he have held baby Miles? I'm pretty sure Faraday would disapprove of that. Hey! Speaking of Faraday, where was he for half a dozen episodes? Just hanging out in the Dharma submarine? Yeah, cool. I'd do the same thing if I were time traveling.

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Really though, where was he and did he leave the island? I'm betting that the writers are saving Faraday's explorations and knowledge of the the island for an upcoming episode. Hopefully, they'll dedicate a nice chunk of time to it too.

Maybe it was just me but I thought Hurley writing 'The Empire Strikes Back' was utterly hilarious! Such a typical Hurley thing to do. Besides, the show needs some lightening up to deviate from the time-traveling-everyone's-going-to-die feel.

So...what really lies in the shadow of the statue? Jacob? The smoke monster? Vincent?! Maybe there's no real answer at all. Oh well, maybe once Rose and Bernard emerge from where ever they're hiding, they can shed some light on that being that they've been lazy the entire season!

I also thought that it was cool that we got to see the Dharma people etching the numbers into the Swan hatch. That's something that I never thought and it was a nice suprise. I'm still wondering why they were on the hatch though. What's the purpose?

During the middle of the episode, we see the corpse that Miles delievered be taken to the Orchid station. Hmmm...Orchid station, time travel, electromagnetism? Why would Dr. Chang/Candle want the body brought there? Not sure, but I definitely saw some Egyptian information on the board that Jack was erasing. Jeeze, these references sure are persistant.

All these questions and more (yeah, that's you Rose and Bernard!) will have to wait awhile longer because a new episode doesn't air for two weeks. Instead we get a clip show about the Oceanic 6. Now I love the O6 and everything but do we need an entire hour dedicated to their 'story'? I'm pretty sure that's what season 4 was for. Until next time...


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dead Is Dead

Wow. Just wow. I know I've said this before about episodes this season, but Dead Is Dead is definitely one of my favorites! I thought it would be a great episode and it was. This is because of two main things: we got tons of answers (good ones too!) with no filler, and more questions were posed which gives me more to talk about.

Okay, I'm going to try and go in chronological order with my comments/discussion but we'll see how that works out.

So first, in a continuation from last weeks episode, young Ben is seen recovering from his gunshot injury/temple recovery. Ben seems to not remember what had happened either in the Temple or the shooting which makes me wonder what happened in the Temple that made him forget his experience as well as lose his innocence?

Around 1989, Ben enters Rousseau's little hut in an effort to kill her, as ordered by the Others. However, Ben notices she has a baby (Alex) which makes him have a change of heart and let Rousseau live, yet taking Alex with him back to the Others, showing that Ben did not lie about stealing Alex in season 4. Upon leaving, he warns Rousseau about the whispers and that if she hears them, she should "run the other way", showing that Ben and the Others knew about the whispers. Maybe they didn't know their origin but they definitely knew enough to know that they were bad. Though, why would the Others want to get rid of Rousseau, did they fear her or just want her out of their way? Also, if we assume that Widmore was the leader of the Others at this time (and in so, had a connection with Jacob) why would Ben refuse to kill Rousseau if it was "the will of Jacob"?

We later find out that about 10 years later, Widmore was exiled for "breaking the rules". Specifically for regularly leaving the island and having a family off the island (a "daughter with an outsider"…Penny). Widmore tells Ben that he will have to one day choose between Alex and the island, much like Widmore chose family over the island...for now, anyway. This scene gives the audience great insight to the relationship between Ben and Widmore over time and how Ben is slowly taking over Widmore's power. As with all other Ben/Widmore scenes, we have to wonder who are really the "good guys"? Ben...or Widmore?

Flash to 2008: Ben arrives at Desmond's boat and calls Widmore telling him that he's about to kill Penny in revenge for killing Alex. As he proceeds to go towards Penny, he pulls out his gun and goes on to tell her that he's going to kill her because her father killed his daughter. As he prepares to shoot Penny, Ben sees Charlie coming out of the boat which makes him have a change of heart about killing Penny, being that he would take away her child much like Widmore did to Ben.

Desmond then gives Ben a piece of his mind (and fist!), throwing Ben into the water. Overall, this scene gave us some much needed information and closure about Ben's bloody face and arm while boarding Ajira 316. I for one (as well as other viewers), were a little concerned about Penny being that we hadn't seen her for awhile.

Now on the Hydra Island, Ben reveals to Locke that he came back to the Island to be judged and that he needs to get to the main island to do so. Refusing to let Ben and Locke travel to the island, Caesar attempts to draw his gun, however Ben has it and shoots him in the chest (go Ben! It needed to be done). They leave the Hydra Island and arrive at the dock on the main island, noticing the outrigger used by Sun and Lapidus. Inside Ben's old house, Locke and Ben see Sun and Lapidus. Oddly enough, they say that Christian told them to follow John Locke. Earlier, Christian had told them that if they wanted to see their friends, they had "a long journey ahead of them". I'm still wondering, what is that long journey? Also, how would Christian know about it as well as Sun needing to follow Locke? Something's up here being that Locke is acting so calm and peaceful. Since being "revived" he seems to know the answers to everything...even more than Ben, to a point.

Later, we finally get to see what's behind Ben's secret door. After waiting since season 4 to find out, I was a little disappointed with the whole draining water thing. I was expecting something more mechanical and explained being that Ben was covered with soot rather than sewage water. Hopefully, the water draining has more to be explained.

Apparently not listening to Ben anymore, the smoke monster does not appear when summoned which makes Ben, Locke, and Sun travel to the Temple to go to the monster instead of it coming to them. As Ben goes into the Temple, the sounds of the monster are heard as he notices hieroglyphics. Soon after, the smoke monster rises out of a small stone grate inside the chamber. It starts to surround him and shows him images of Alex, Wdmore, etc. from his past, much like previous encounters with some of the other characters in past seasons. After awhile, Alex appears when the smoke monster vanishes (my belief is that "Alex" in this case was a from of the smoke monster used to get inside Ben's head) and makes Ben promise that he will follow Locke's leadership, or she will "destroy" him. The phrase about "destroying" Ben made me think that "Alex" was the monster because I doubt that Alex/Alex's ghost would say "destroy"'s just a very smoke monster-like word. Ben later reunites with Locke and informs him that the monster "let him live".

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Finally, we see llana on the Hydra Island ask Frank, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Being as confused as the audience, Frank could not answer and llana knocks him out. Now, I for one have believed that llana knows way more than she lets on to. Especially with this whole little riddle thing she has going on now. If the statue that she's talking about is in fact the four-toed foot statue, that definitely proves she knows alot...maybe too much. On the other hand, if this statue is just a metaphor...well, I have no idea.

Okay, so with such an episode packed with answers and questions, let's finish with some questions:

1. What is the smoke monster's relation to the Temple?
2. Why does the Monster demand that Ben follow John Locke?
3. How does Locke know where the Monster is?
4. Is the smoke monster’s temple the same temple that Ben ordered the Others to in season 4?
5. How did Christian know Locke would come?
6. What is the meaning of Ilana's question to Frank?
7. How far back does the island go to Egypt (notice more Egyptian references/hieroglyphics in the Temple)?

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Of course, there are tons more tiny questions throughout this episode, but these are some of the major ones that could possibly be of great importance in future episodes.

Though only 4 main characters had speaking roles in this episode, it was nice to get to see some Ben/Locke interaction after not seeing either of them for a couple episodes. Once everyone is reunited, it's going to be interesting to see how the writers keep everyone's storylines together with equal time devoted to each one.

In the end, Dead Is Dead was one of my favorite episodes so far. If next weeks episode is going to be half is good, it has alot of live up to.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whatever Happened Happened

Last night's episode is definitely one of my favorites of the season. Not only were more questions posed, but more were answered as well. Overall, I thought "Whatever Happened Happened" was a very interesting 45 minutes (darn you commericals!). I'm a big Kate fan so naturally I really liked that it was a Kate-centric episode.

Now that we're getting closer to the end of season 5, it's getting interesting to find out everyone's motives to come back to the island. Now that we know Sayid came back to kill Ben, we can also add that Kate came back to find Claire and that Ben came back to be judged (according to the preview after the show). I thought that Kate's motive for coming back to the island was for Claire was a great way to kind of re-focus the attention of the audience back to Claire, being that she's been absent from the show for quite some time now.

Kate starting to unravel the O6's lie was very interesting indeed. And of all people to spill the truth to--Cassidy? Very cool bringing her back into the storyline. Speaking of Cassidy, we now know what Sawyer whispered in Kate's ear in the season 4 finale. Though many people speculated what it might have been, it's nice to get some closure on what he actaully told her. Now everything from the "off island" flash-forwards are starting to come together--that's something that I really appreciate.

So on the island (as of now) young Ben isn't dead. Richard taking him to the smoke monster "temple" was definitely a suprising twist to everything! I wasn't expecting that for sure. Actually, I was expecting Richard to take him to Jacob. But hey, that's a whole different story. Now it makes us wonder: why would taking Ben to the smoke monster heal him, yet corrupt his innocence in the process?

When Kate approched the sonic weapon fence in Hostile-land, it made me wonder about the truce between the Hostiles and the Dharma Initiative. Especially considering we have no clue how long the Hostiles have been on the island in the first place. Also, who's idea was it to put up the fence and why--who or what were they trying to keep out?

The last scene of the episode where Locke is watching Ben was amazing as well. The look on Ben's face was priceless. Almost as if he had no idea that the island would revive Locke. Hopefully we'll get to see some more Ben/Locke interaction in the near future.

Judging by the preview, next week's episode is going to be packed with smoke monster goodness and some good answers as well. If it is at all like last night's episode, it's bound to be fantastic.
