Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dr. Chang Video: "The Incident"

Months ago (probably before season 5 started) a sneak peak at LOST season 5 was released at the 2008 Comic-Con. It shows Dr. Chang being videoed by someone--who you'll come to recognize shortly--while he talks about future events and how they must be stopped.

Watch the video before reading below.

I had watched this video when it was first released but now having seen (12? 13?) season 5 episodes and watching the video again, it really makes you wonder and gives a lot of insight as to what the remaining episodes as well as the season finale holds.

As you may have guessed, the speaker/videographer is Daniel Faraday. Now knowing what we know about season 5, we can probably infer that this video was taken/is going to be taped while the Lostaways are on the 1977 island in the season 5 finale entitled 'The Incident'. The 'Incident' has been referenced numerous times throughout the series so I think it's going to be a great end to the season.

Wait! I'm LOST! What does this mean?

Well, The Incident that I'm guessing that this is referenced to is the incident in the Swan Station that 'Dr. Marvin Candle' talks about in the Swan Orientation Film. Apparently, the incident had to do with the build up of electromagnetic energy that caused the 'incident' which resulted in the DI making the Swan protocol where the numbers have to be entered every 108 minutes.

This incident likely occurred before 1980 (the production date of the film) when the Lostaways returned to the 1977 island time.

Obviously, after 108 minutes, the build up was enough to cause a great catastrophe in the Swan station. However, it is unknown what caused this incident to occur or what damaged it caused to the Swan station or those in and around it. Hopefully when this is shown to the audience, we'll get to see the creation/purpose of the Blast Door Map that is shown during the Lockdown in the Swan station.

With this video combined with the knowledge of season's mysteries and occurances, we can infer that this video is, in fact, referencing the 'incident' in the Swan station that we have yet to see and will likely be shown in the season 5 finale.

Just some food for though to hold us over until the new episode next week.


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