Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whatever Happened Happened

Last night's episode is definitely one of my favorites of the season. Not only were more questions posed, but more were answered as well. Overall, I thought "Whatever Happened Happened" was a very interesting 45 minutes (darn you commericals!). I'm a big Kate fan so naturally I really liked that it was a Kate-centric episode.

Now that we're getting closer to the end of season 5, it's getting interesting to find out everyone's motives to come back to the island. Now that we know Sayid came back to kill Ben, we can also add that Kate came back to find Claire and that Ben came back to be judged (according to the preview after the show). I thought that Kate's motive for coming back to the island was for Claire was a great way to kind of re-focus the attention of the audience back to Claire, being that she's been absent from the show for quite some time now.

Kate starting to unravel the O6's lie was very interesting indeed. And of all people to spill the truth to--Cassidy? Very cool bringing her back into the storyline. Speaking of Cassidy, we now know what Sawyer whispered in Kate's ear in the season 4 finale. Though many people speculated what it might have been, it's nice to get some closure on what he actaully told her. Now everything from the "off island" flash-forwards are starting to come together--that's something that I really appreciate.

So on the island (as of now) young Ben isn't dead. Richard taking him to the smoke monster "temple" was definitely a suprising twist to everything! I wasn't expecting that for sure. Actually, I was expecting Richard to take him to Jacob. But hey, that's a whole different story. Now it makes us wonder: why would taking Ben to the smoke monster heal him, yet corrupt his innocence in the process?

When Kate approched the sonic weapon fence in Hostile-land, it made me wonder about the truce between the Hostiles and the Dharma Initiative. Especially considering we have no clue how long the Hostiles have been on the island in the first place. Also, who's idea was it to put up the fence and why--who or what were they trying to keep out?

The last scene of the episode where Locke is watching Ben was amazing as well. The look on Ben's face was priceless. Almost as if he had no idea that the island would revive Locke. Hopefully we'll get to see some more Ben/Locke interaction in the near future.

Judging by the preview, next week's episode is going to be packed with smoke monster goodness and some good answers as well. If it is at all like last night's episode, it's bound to be fantastic.


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