Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some Like It Hoth

So, apparently Miles can talk to dead people.

Though I mainly thought that nothing too too big was revealed in this episode, it did give some much needed insight to Miles' past and family. I for one thought (episodes ago) that Miles could be the child of Dr. Chang/Candle and it was confirmed. Being that I previously pondered that thought, the reveal wasn't too exciting for me. However, I did enjoy learning why Miles asked 3.2 million dollars from Ben.

Now that baby Miles was in the same time as adult Miles, wouldn't that kind of be against the rules of something? If Miles went into Dr. Chang/Candle's house, could he have held baby Miles? I'm pretty sure Faraday would disapprove of that. Hey! Speaking of Faraday, where was he for half a dozen episodes? Just hanging out in the Dharma submarine? Yeah, cool. I'd do the same thing if I were time traveling.

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Really though, where was he and did he leave the island? I'm betting that the writers are saving Faraday's explorations and knowledge of the the island for an upcoming episode. Hopefully, they'll dedicate a nice chunk of time to it too.

Maybe it was just me but I thought Hurley writing 'The Empire Strikes Back' was utterly hilarious! Such a typical Hurley thing to do. Besides, the show needs some lightening up to deviate from the time-traveling-everyone's-going-to-die feel.

So...what really lies in the shadow of the statue? Jacob? The smoke monster? Vincent?! Maybe there's no real answer at all. Oh well, maybe once Rose and Bernard emerge from where ever they're hiding, they can shed some light on that being that they've been lazy the entire season!

I also thought that it was cool that we got to see the Dharma people etching the numbers into the Swan hatch. That's something that I never thought and it was a nice suprise. I'm still wondering why they were on the hatch though. What's the purpose?

During the middle of the episode, we see the corpse that Miles delievered be taken to the Orchid station. Hmmm...Orchid station, time travel, electromagnetism? Why would Dr. Chang/Candle want the body brought there? Not sure, but I definitely saw some Egyptian information on the board that Jack was erasing. Jeeze, these references sure are persistant.

All these questions and more (yeah, that's you Rose and Bernard!) will have to wait awhile longer because a new episode doesn't air for two weeks. Instead we get a clip show about the Oceanic 6. Now I love the O6 and everything but do we need an entire hour dedicated to their 'story'? I'm pretty sure that's what season 4 was for. Until next time...


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