Monday, March 30, 2009

Four-toed Statue Confirmed

On the new edition of the Official LOST podcast with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, they confirmed that the statue seen in LaFleur is in fact the four-toed statue that we originally saw back in season 3.

Just a little bit of news to get through to Wednesday.


Friday, March 27, 2009

He's Our You - Ben Paradox

I think I've figured out why I haven't been the biggest fan of the last few LOST episodes. Back in the season 3 finale flashforward, Jack is so eager to get back to the island. Now he's back on the island (along with everyone else) and what does he do? Sit around doing Dharma work and eating sandwiches with Hurley? Don't know about anyone else, but I'd definitely question some things. Especially why it was so urgent that the Oceanic 6 get back to the island in the first place. Care to explain, Ms. Hawking? To me, it seems like they've all been a bit "brainwashed", for lack of better words. Particularly Kate. She seems a bit...out of it. Kind of like Claire.

Speaking of Claire, is she hopping around the island as well? Anyway, not the point. So why did Kate feel she had to come back? Quite possibly something to do with Claire or Aaron. That's kind of interesting being that Aaron is part of the Oceanic 6 yet everything seems to be fine...and he's not back to the island!

So I think the main thing that needs discussing is Sayid shooting Ben. Being a big Ben fan (haha, pun not intended) I naturally felt sorry for him when Sayid shot him. Little Ben didn't deserve to get shot being that what Sayid was shooting him for hadn't happened yet. Kind of like if someone came from the future and shot you in the chest for something that you were going to do. I can imagine Ben was as shocked and confused as the audience was.

So if young Ben dies, we have two outcomes of what could possibly happen here: a) There are multiple realities and the O6 happen to be in one now, permitting Ben to be alive and well in the present (?) with Sun and Lapidus, or b) Shooting Ben creates a paradox which messes everything up that's happened so far in the show. If young Ben dies, than that means that he never caused the purge, allowing the DI to remain on the island, Ben wouldn't have become leader of the Others, and so on and so on. I'm tending to lean toward option a. However, both options could be nullified if the shot didn't kill young Ben and it only injured him.

It seems as if it we've got more questions to ponder. That's LOST for you though! Until next time...


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Namaste...and good luck

After watching "Namaste" last week, many questions came to mind. In this entry, instead of going into detail on each one, I'll do a bullet or summarize one each point.

1. Why did Sun not flash to the island like the rest of the Oceanic 6?

Possible Theory: Sun was pregnant at the time of her rescue from the island and her baby was technically "part" of her. If she would've brought Ji-Yeon aboard Ajira 316, would she have been able to flash with the rest of the group?

2. What's going on with that Ajira plane anyway? It now seems that it's in a different time period from the O6 that flashed onto the island.

Possible Theory: Hmm...that's a good one.

3. In season 3, Kate and Sawyer were kept prisoner by the Others. When Sawyer asked Juliet what they were doing digging up rocks, Juliet told them that they were bulding a runway, but she didn't know what for. Keep in mind, this was on the Hydra island, exactly where Ajira 316 landed. Coincedence? I think not.

Possible Theory: Richard told Ben to tell the Others to build the runway because he knew that the Ajira plane would be coming to the island in the future. How would Richard know this? My theory is that Richard is from the future (how far into the future, I have no idea) and kind of has a job like Abaddon to "get people where they're supossed to be".

4. Where does Christian tell Sun and Frank to go on this "long journey"?

Possible Theory: The O6 die in the Purge and Christian directs them down the right path to get them out of the situation. However, this would go against what Ms. Hawking says about not being able to change the past. But hey, anyone that's associated with Ben can never be completely trusted. Now it's getting down to the point where everyone has their own motives and acts towards their own goals.

Interesting things I noticed:

1. Ben's arm was apparently healed by coming to the island.

2. Young Ben watches Sayid through the prison cell. This situation was reversed in season 2 when Ben was captured by the Oceanic survivors.

3. When taking the "New Recruits" photograph with the Oceanic 6, Hurley turns his head towards Kate. However, in the photo that Christian shows Sun and Frank, Hurley's head is facing the camera.

Just a few questions, theories, and thoughts to speculate over until next weeks episode entitled, "He's Our You". Sounds promising, but with all these answers to look forward to, how could it not?


Sunday, March 15, 2009

We have to go back!

After watching the last couple episodes of LOST (and what good episodes they were!), I can't help but wonder why the O6 needed to go back to the island. If Locke turning the Frozen Wheel supposivily stopped the time jumps, than what would be the purpose of Ms. Hawking and Ben acting that it was so imparitive that they get back to the island so desperately?

What could the O6, or anyone for that matter, have to gain by getting everyone back to the island? The first thing that comes to mind is Ben's motives. Right now, the only thing the audience can infer about Ben's wants is that he wants to resume his status on the island. Already having consulted Ms. Hawking, he would've known how to get to the island before the O6. That being said, if he wanted to get back to the island, wouldn't he just get on Ajira 316 by himself in order to eliminate as many people from his path as possible?

Furthering that statement, why would Ben want to help the O6? Knowing that he didn't need the O6 to get back to the island, maybe he brought them with him to get the O6 on his side. This would come to be of great importance once this "war" that everyone is talking about happens. This was references numerous times throughout this season by Ben, Widmore, etc. Each person that references this on the show seems to try to convince someone that they're on the "good" side and that a big conflict is about to happen. Whatever this conflict may be, it's safe to say that it definitely won't be a dull moment on LOST.

So why did the Oceanic 6 have to go back to the island? That is one question that we do not have the answer to as of yet. Whether it's for protection, Ben's motives, or something completely off-the-wall that no one has mentioned yet, I think every viewer is just as curious.

For now, just remember--not all of the Oceanic 6 is back on the island. ;)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Island Explanation

I recently discovered that it's nearly impossible to have a conversation about LOST with someone who doesn't watch LOST. A couple episodes back, ABC was running the Enchanced HD version of "316". I was watching it while simultaneously attempting to explain the current plot of the show. Bad idea.

I started explaining how those who left the island need to go back (through the "window" above the island) to sort of balance everything out. Right after, I'm asked questions whose answers could not be given in a short amount of time.

I explained that they have to find the island because it moved. Though I knew my explainations would not be understood, I still proceeded to tell the rest of the current plot. Continuing with the island, I was then asked the question that I hesitated to answer, "Where did the island go?". Now, to all of you who are reading this and have been avid watchers of LOST, I'm sure you can understand why I hesitated--non-LOST watchers think LOST fans are crazy enough as it is! Do they really need more ammunition?

Taking a moment to think of how exactly to word what I was about to say, I just blurted it out, the island...went back in time. There we go, the one single phrase that makes someone look at you like you've got three heads. I stopped there. It wouldn't have helped even if I drew a picture.

It's situations like these that dissuade me from attempting to explain LOST to non-watchers. However, it makes me wonder...what reaction would I get if I were to explain that there was a sinsiter cloud of black smoke running around on the island?


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Egyptian Influences

Throughout this season so far, I've noticed many different Egyptian elements and ideas. In my opinion, I think it's possible that these elements have a great deal to do with the island's previous history and inhabitants. Are they truly important to the show, or are they coincidence (I think not). Either way, here's some of what I've noticed:

1. Ankh. An ankh was held by Amy in "LaFleur". Meaning "the key of life", it's interesting to see an ankh on the show.

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2. Ben's secret door. Ben went through the door etched with hieroglyphics to presumably summon the smoke monster.

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3. Smoke monster temple. In episode, "This Place is Death", the Smoke Monster drags Montand into a vent in the ground, eventually taking him into the temple. More hieroglyphics can be seen etched in the stone structure (See photo below).

All clues lead back to the theory that the smoke monster was "created" or existed around Egyptian times. Possibly as early as 1539-2500 B.C.?

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4. Hieroglyphics in the Hatch. Not pushing the button resulted in a "Lockdown" and caused the countdown timer to switch from 108, to hieroglyphics. Interesting reference to Egypt being that heirogylphics were used on a fairly recent countdown system (1970s).

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5. Statue seen in "LaFleur". Seen in the background of the scene, the large stone statue appears to be wearing something of Egyptian nature on its head. Also, it seems as if it's holding an ankh (maybe two?).

Another thing comes to mind when looking at this statue. If it is the whole statue of the four-toed food structure seen in season 3, why is everything but a foot destroyed and how did it happen?

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These are just a couple of my observations of Egyptian appearances in LOST so far. Hopefully they all tie into each other and have a history that will be related to the show and will contribute to the plot in some way, shape, or form.


Monday, March 9, 2009

LOST Takes a Break

Hey everyone,

I'm starting this blog today to attempt to satisfy my LOST craving until next week. Hopefully I'll be able to do numerous entries per week. Whenever something LOST related pops into my head, it'll be here as well.

Turns out that there won't be a new episode airing this week. Kind of disappointing when earlier this year (pre-season 5), the producers said that there wouldn't be any breaks this season. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait--LOST always is. For a show like LOST, you'd think that a 2 week break is enough time to forget critical information from last weeks episode.

The same thing goes for commercials. It's understandable that ABC needs to bring in some advertisement compensation, but it really dissuades the viewer and makes them lose interest in the show. Being that LOST is realy a "thinking" kind of show, it helps to have little interruptions as possible so that the viewer's thought process in not disturbed.

It's nice to be able to watch episodes on on the computer, however, unlike a flatscreen TV, it doesn't really give you the "Holy crap, I'm being chased by a smoke monster" feeling.
