Friday, March 27, 2009

He's Our You - Ben Paradox

I think I've figured out why I haven't been the biggest fan of the last few LOST episodes. Back in the season 3 finale flashforward, Jack is so eager to get back to the island. Now he's back on the island (along with everyone else) and what does he do? Sit around doing Dharma work and eating sandwiches with Hurley? Don't know about anyone else, but I'd definitely question some things. Especially why it was so urgent that the Oceanic 6 get back to the island in the first place. Care to explain, Ms. Hawking? To me, it seems like they've all been a bit "brainwashed", for lack of better words. Particularly Kate. She seems a bit...out of it. Kind of like Claire.

Speaking of Claire, is she hopping around the island as well? Anyway, not the point. So why did Kate feel she had to come back? Quite possibly something to do with Claire or Aaron. That's kind of interesting being that Aaron is part of the Oceanic 6 yet everything seems to be fine...and he's not back to the island!

So I think the main thing that needs discussing is Sayid shooting Ben. Being a big Ben fan (haha, pun not intended) I naturally felt sorry for him when Sayid shot him. Little Ben didn't deserve to get shot being that what Sayid was shooting him for hadn't happened yet. Kind of like if someone came from the future and shot you in the chest for something that you were going to do. I can imagine Ben was as shocked and confused as the audience was.

So if young Ben dies, we have two outcomes of what could possibly happen here: a) There are multiple realities and the O6 happen to be in one now, permitting Ben to be alive and well in the present (?) with Sun and Lapidus, or b) Shooting Ben creates a paradox which messes everything up that's happened so far in the show. If young Ben dies, than that means that he never caused the purge, allowing the DI to remain on the island, Ben wouldn't have become leader of the Others, and so on and so on. I'm tending to lean toward option a. However, both options could be nullified if the shot didn't kill young Ben and it only injured him.

It seems as if it we've got more questions to ponder. That's LOST for you though! Until next time...


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