Thursday, March 12, 2009

Island Explanation

I recently discovered that it's nearly impossible to have a conversation about LOST with someone who doesn't watch LOST. A couple episodes back, ABC was running the Enchanced HD version of "316". I was watching it while simultaneously attempting to explain the current plot of the show. Bad idea.

I started explaining how those who left the island need to go back (through the "window" above the island) to sort of balance everything out. Right after, I'm asked questions whose answers could not be given in a short amount of time.

I explained that they have to find the island because it moved. Though I knew my explainations would not be understood, I still proceeded to tell the rest of the current plot. Continuing with the island, I was then asked the question that I hesitated to answer, "Where did the island go?". Now, to all of you who are reading this and have been avid watchers of LOST, I'm sure you can understand why I hesitated--non-LOST watchers think LOST fans are crazy enough as it is! Do they really need more ammunition?

Taking a moment to think of how exactly to word what I was about to say, I just blurted it out, the island...went back in time. There we go, the one single phrase that makes someone look at you like you've got three heads. I stopped there. It wouldn't have helped even if I drew a picture.

It's situations like these that dissuade me from attempting to explain LOST to non-watchers. However, it makes me wonder...what reaction would I get if I were to explain that there was a sinsiter cloud of black smoke running around on the island?


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