Sunday, March 15, 2009

We have to go back!

After watching the last couple episodes of LOST (and what good episodes they were!), I can't help but wonder why the O6 needed to go back to the island. If Locke turning the Frozen Wheel supposivily stopped the time jumps, than what would be the purpose of Ms. Hawking and Ben acting that it was so imparitive that they get back to the island so desperately?

What could the O6, or anyone for that matter, have to gain by getting everyone back to the island? The first thing that comes to mind is Ben's motives. Right now, the only thing the audience can infer about Ben's wants is that he wants to resume his status on the island. Already having consulted Ms. Hawking, he would've known how to get to the island before the O6. That being said, if he wanted to get back to the island, wouldn't he just get on Ajira 316 by himself in order to eliminate as many people from his path as possible?

Furthering that statement, why would Ben want to help the O6? Knowing that he didn't need the O6 to get back to the island, maybe he brought them with him to get the O6 on his side. This would come to be of great importance once this "war" that everyone is talking about happens. This was references numerous times throughout this season by Ben, Widmore, etc. Each person that references this on the show seems to try to convince someone that they're on the "good" side and that a big conflict is about to happen. Whatever this conflict may be, it's safe to say that it definitely won't be a dull moment on LOST.

So why did the Oceanic 6 have to go back to the island? That is one question that we do not have the answer to as of yet. Whether it's for protection, Ben's motives, or something completely off-the-wall that no one has mentioned yet, I think every viewer is just as curious.

For now, just remember--not all of the Oceanic 6 is back on the island. ;)


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