Monday, March 9, 2009

LOST Takes a Break

Hey everyone,

I'm starting this blog today to attempt to satisfy my LOST craving until next week. Hopefully I'll be able to do numerous entries per week. Whenever something LOST related pops into my head, it'll be here as well.

Turns out that there won't be a new episode airing this week. Kind of disappointing when earlier this year (pre-season 5), the producers said that there wouldn't be any breaks this season. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait--LOST always is. For a show like LOST, you'd think that a 2 week break is enough time to forget critical information from last weeks episode.

The same thing goes for commercials. It's understandable that ABC needs to bring in some advertisement compensation, but it really dissuades the viewer and makes them lose interest in the show. Being that LOST is realy a "thinking" kind of show, it helps to have little interruptions as possible so that the viewer's thought process in not disturbed.

It's nice to be able to watch episodes on on the computer, however, unlike a flatscreen TV, it doesn't really give you the "Holy crap, I'm being chased by a smoke monster" feeling.


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